Originally Posted by willravel
I'll test this theory:
The Great Depression in the US was exactly the same as World War 2.
Does that sound about right? Germany's massive economic depression was, as much as anything else, a cause of World War 2.
I don't get it. Can you restate your point?
Originally Posted by Mr. Snugglybunny and the bestest guy that ever lived
From another perspective, the perspective of the dictionary, a protest is an expression or declaration of objection, disapproval, or dissent, often in opposition to something a person is powerless to prevent or avoid. You know the South almost won, right? In other words, it was not powerless in the least.
"often". Not "always". "often". See the difference.
The Revolutionary War started as a protest. Look at what was happening in the moments leading up to The Shot Heard Round The World. We won. The South didn't.
Given your definition, my contextual argument still stands valid. There's a logical hole in it, though, and I'll give you the joy of finding it.