Originally Posted by dc_dux
I cant disagree with you about the 9/11 commission report. Hamilton shares the blame with the Repub chair Tom Kean.
Hamilton also was co-chair of the Iraq Study Group that offered a reasonable strategy to get the US out of Iraq. As a VP, I could see him as Obama's point man on a redeployment strategy that will start bringing our guys home shortly after the inauguration.
No matter who is elected there is no way we can bring our troops home shortly after the inauguration. It ain't gonna happen. Don't fool yourself, don't believe the lie. If we do it will be one of the biggest foreign policy fiasco's in history, bigger than the war in Iraq is/was or will ever be. Sure the current administration lied and fucked up getting us where we are but now that we are there to just pull out will be much much worse. /endhijack