Originally Posted by xepherys
I hope you enjoy my two cents.
Absolutely! great post! this is exactly what I expected.
First, are you already invested in SD cards?
It's not something that I need but with the cost of the other types like sony memory or XD, SD or SDHC seems like the best option for now. Even CF is not that expensive... I just don't have much knowledge on CF or cameras that use them.
Second, AA batteries. The upside?
I know, I just don't want to have to purchase a 2nd battery when i already have so many AA and 2 chargers. I would rather get something that can save me $ on the long run.
Well, if you don't want to pay for SLR, but you want good shots in almost all situations, you're going to need a P&S with excellent manual controls and you'll need to learn to use them.
And that's why I asked for opinions... I know that not all cameras can shoot in every settings at 100%. but a P&S camera that can take good shots mostly outside is really what I want. I plan on going on vacation so good shots with good zoom is what I need. doing in the dark action shots is not really what I want.
Zoom... be wary of digital zoom. .... The moral of all of this is, really look into zoom options on any camera you buy.
Absolutely. Digital zoom is the worst thing ever! I have photoshop for that!
Compact cameras will not generally take as good of pictures as less compact cameras. Making the sensor smaller makes the picture quality lower (espcially at higher ISO settings, shots in darker situations). REALLY slim cameras take REALLY bad pictures.
good to know. I didn't really plan on getting a super slim compact camera anyways.
As mentioned above, the megapixel rating is not the end-all thing to look at
Anoter point for taking good pictures in almost all situations. Check that you can manually control the aperature size (or f-stop value). Also, make sure the maximum aperature (smallest number) is something amazingly low. 2.8 is good. Lower is great! Higher will make low-light photos not as good and prevent you from doing shots with much depth of field.
This is good to know. This was one thing I didn't know.