Originally Posted by dc_dux
My guess is that Clinton will hang in for the remaining primaries through June 3, out of a sense of loyalty to her supporters.
But I think we will see a significant change in her tone and tactics that have been contributing to the divide within the party. Both she and Obama will now focus on McCain, rather than each other.
On the VP issue, as much as I would like to see Richardson, I dont think Obama will go that route. Perhaps, Richardson as Sec of State.
VPs dont matter much in terms of bringing voters to the candidate, other than by perception. And I think Obama needs to be perceived as being attentive to the Clinton voters - blue collar whites and seniors. Thats why I think Gov Strickland of OH might be a possibility, along with the fact that he is from a crucial state for Dem to get the electoral number needed. (Dem either needs to win OH or FL...or a combination of NM, CO, IA, VA).
I still like Lee Hamilton, former congressman from Indiana and vice chair of the 9/11 Commission.....he brings even more foreign policy/national security credentials than Richardson.
A new name being buzzed about is General Wesley Clark.
Notice these guys - Strickland, Hamilton, Clark - all old white men....a reassurance for some voters.
Hamilton is defiently not the type of person I'd be looking for to reverse the trend of the current vice president in regards to 'open' government. His work in the 9/11 commission report was abysmal. Although, I do agree Obama needs an old white man as VP.