I don't really have a large problem with smoking outside, although it is pretty savage when you get a mouthful of smoke downwind when you're enjoying the sun. Most of my friends smoke, so I'm used to it.
What I will add is that for the inside of clubs and bars, the difference the smoking ban here has made is amazing. I used to come home smelling like I'd been set on fire, but now I just smell normal.
One "problem" was that the smoke apparently cloaked the smell of body odour on the dance floors, although I haven't encountered this yet!
The only main problem I've found with the ban, is that if your friends are all smokers, you often get dragged outside whilst they smoke, so that you aren't sitting on your own in the pub/bar/club/etc.
On the whole I love it though! I used to have lots of coughs after going to a gig in a small venue with lots of smokers around, but I'm much better since.