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Old 05-07-2008, 02:23 AM   #84 (permalink)
has a plan
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Location: middle of Whywouldanyonebethere
I have created a simple but interesting locking mechanism on my Win XP system. I use KeePass to manage all my passwords. For portability I have KeePass installed on my flash drive. In essence, if my computer cannot find my USB drive with my KeePass KDB when booted up, it will lock the users out.

Things needed:
  • TweakUI (or have your computer set to automatically log into a user)
  • Fastkake
  • USB or other portable memory device

Follow these steps
  1. Use TweakUI to set your computer to auto login into your account ("Logon" > "Autologon")
  2. Have a file on your USB drive that you will never rename or get rid of
  3. Install Fastkake to somewhere on your computer
  4. Open Notepad and type out a code similar to this one
    @E~CHO O~FF
    I~F E~XIST "J:\Augi_Database.kdb" copy /V /Y "J:\Augi_Database.kdb" "D:\My Documents\Augi_Databse.kdb"
    I~F N~OT E~XIST "J:\Augi_Database.kdb" "C:\Program Files\fastkake\FastKake.exe" lockscreen
    • remove the "~"
    • Replace the directory and file specific stuff with your own stuff
      Save that file as "lock_my_screen.bat" ("any file", with quotes) to... your desktop
  5. Go to your Start button, right click, and click "Explore"
  6. Navigate to "Startup" ("Programs" > "Startup")
  7. Move the BAT to that directory.
Easy as that.

I am open to suggestions.

Last edited by Hain; 05-09-2008 at 06:37 AM..
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