We just got one of the entry-level DSLR's (Nikon d40), and it is freaking ~amazing~ - I'm very happy with the pictures I'm taking with it. I was never happy with the pics I got from the point-and-shoots. Advantages that I've seen from it:
o I can actually take pictures of the kids when they aren't holding *perfectly* still, and have them come out not-blurry. I took some pictures of my daughter on a swing, swinging, and they turned out awesome.
o I can take lots of pictures - 2.5/sec according to the specs (without flash). With flash, it's about a second or two between shots. Either way, much, much faster than all the point and shoots I've had.
o Much more flexibility with the settings. Feels like I could actually learn to be a photographer with this thing, though the 'automatic' mode is mostly good enough.
o No red eye. The built-in flash is far enough away from the lens so that I've never had red-eye.
o 'Expandable' with fancy lenses and flashes.
o Expensive - about $500.
o The lens it ships with is only 3x, IIRC. And 'nice' lenses are insanely expensive. I may look at ebay, though, when I want a telephoto lens.
- That said, with the sharpness and clarity I get, I don't really miss more of a zoom.
o It is a bit heavier and bulkier than the point and shoots, and you can't just glance at the screen and snap away, you have to actually look through the eyepiece. Fine with me.
Anyway, on the whole, I'm very happy with it, and glad I spent the extra $$ over yet another point-and-shoot.