Originally Posted by LCfedup
Well the truth finally came out, he said it because the only parts of my body that turn him on are my breasts and ass. Now I am overweight, and I know this. I'm 5'9" I started off last November at 223 I am now down to 195. So I am roughly half way to my goal of losing a total of 50 lbs. (BTW he was he last person to compliment me on my weight loss) I know that my weight had bothered him in the past, he told me he wished he knew what it was like to have a gf with a smaller waist, but he had told me that he was being stupid at the time and realized he was being a jerk.
He says he loves all of me and that my weight doesn't bother him and that its not so wrong to wish for improvements.
Am I the only one who finds this disturbing? I feel like you are defending the things that he has said about you. There is never any reason to be ok with someone treating you like that. I'm lucky, because I have an amazing boyfriend, but he only ever tells me how perfect every part of me is. Even the parts I know I should be working on [like my stomach]. When I mention it, he kisses my stomach and tells me it's sexy. It seems like you might already have some self esteem problems, and no boyfriend should be making them worse! I'm not trying to be mean, or say that you should be leaving him. I just think that's an issue that should be addressed.
As for the porn. World's King and I look at it together. He looks at it by himself. I occasionally look at it by myself. I really can't give advice about that. If you know how much your SO loves you, it won't be a problem. I never understood jealousy of a woman in a magazine or on a TV screen.