Thread: Global Cooling
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Old 05-06-2008, 02:35 PM   #28 (permalink)
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Ocean salinity evidence of climate change: researchers

Posted Thu Apr 17, 2008 12:24pm AEST

An Australian research ship has docked in Hobart after a Southern Ocean voyage which has uncovered new evidence of climate change.

A team of scientists has spent the past four weeks on the Aurora Australis, measuring ocean currents between Australia and Antarctica.

Chief scientist, Steve Rintoul says the research shows there has been a drop in ocean salinity, suggesting ice around Antarctica is melting more rapidly.

"If it were to continue and so the waters around Antarctica continue to freshen and slow down the rate at which water sinks then that would have an impact on climate," he said.

"Because that pattern of ocean currents is what determines how much heat and carbon the ocean stores and that in turn determines how fast the climate warms."

Dr Rintoul says the data will be useful in assisting computer models make climate change predictions.
Ok water less salty, hypothesis is that ice melt is causing it......

will do you see where the disconnect is here between the effect and the cause?

As for the "cooling trend", what cooling trend? One cold winter among many increasingly hot summers?
The controversy began "when Steve McIntyre of the blog e-mailed NASA scientists pointing out an unusual jump in temperature data from 1999 to 2000," reports The Los Angeles Times.

"When researchers checked, they found that the agency had merged two data sets that had been incorrectly assumed to match. When the data were corrected, it resulted in a decrease of 0.27 degrees Fahrenheit in yearly temperatures since 2000 and a smaller decrease in earlier years. That meant that 1998, which had been 0.02 degrees warmer than 1934, was now 0.04 degrees cooler."

Put another way, the new figures show that 4 of the 10 warmest years in the US occurred during the 1930s, not more recently. This caused a stir among those critical of the push to stem human-induced climate change.

Back in 1991, before Al Gore first shouted that the Earth was in the balance, the Danish Meteorological Institute released a study using data that went back centuries that showed that global temperatures closely tracked solar cycles.

To many, those data were convincing. Now, Canadian scientists are seeking additional funding for more and better "eyes" with which to observe our sun, which has a bigger impact on Earth's climate than all the tailpipes and smokestacks on our planet combined.

And they're worried about global cooling, not warming.
Agents of the enemies who hold office in our own government, who attempt to eliminate our "freedoms" and our "right to know" are posting among us, I fear.....on this very forum. - host

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