i mostly hate hair, other than my eyelashes and head hair. is there honestly something out there that can give me a smooth body, so my skin is bare, like some kind of awesome-ultra-pornstar shaver (lol) or wax or hair remover, because i am seriously thinking its time to be lasered (or whatever its called)... all my hair follicles on my body, save for the places i like hair to be. :P is this "lasering" off your hair a good idea? does anyone know? or is there a better or possibly easier, less expensive solution...?? i have always been worried that a wax or remover would make hair come in thicker or actually make certain hair into the corse pubic hair. i dont want that!!!!!!! ick. anyone?
"Don't Worry About The People In Your Past; There's A Reason They Didn't Make It To Your Future."