Originally Posted by MirrorsrorriM
the bible says, 'it is not against bone and flesh that we battle, but against principalities and powers', however, the Catholic translation is the word 'celestials', celestials, principalities and powers, are ALIENS, celestial means 'from the heavens' or 'from the stars'.
Well, um... yeah. That
is the truth. I saw a documentary on it once:
Originally Posted by squeeeb
i agree sexual abuse of children is wrong, but i disagree CP causes sexual abuse. i've said it before, i will look at CP ALL DAY, and after all the vomiting and being phisically ill by it, it won't make me want to have sex with children. same as i can watch gay porn all day long, i'm not gonna want to suck a dick. i can only assume most people are the same way.
To me,
that post right there sums up a lot of the debate.
I'm not going to make assumptions about you, squeeb, but for my money?
Whenever I see pictures or video of some hot chick with some magnificent ta-tas, it makes me wanna bury my face in there and motorboat for a minute. I am blessed and proud to admit that it is something I've been able to do more than once or twice in my lifetime,
hamd'allah. And I definitely want to do it again, several hundred times,
That being said, me looking at porn doesn't necessarily cause sexual abuse in itself. It makes me horny, and I act on that - rationally.
Summation: I can read my copies of Hustler magazine, and there's virtually no chance, based on historical record, that I'll do much except make a booty call or jerk off. Or maybe get drunk. Or all three. But it does get me horny, and often as not I
will take action on that.
There are myriad causes of irrational thought - drugs, booze, chemical or neural imbalances, or just being raised wrong - that can cause genuine sexual abuse, whether in concert with or independently of an individual's horniness. There's also just simple sexual preference and identity, which many people don't discover (or admit) until a much later age than most folks.
While someone who gets horny for kids and views CP might truly not EVER want to act out on the impulse, historically, they do - at least once or twice. Hell, that's honestly a high degree of self-discipline, if you think about it.
Oh, and yeah, since the act itself a crime, that's the rationale for criminalizing CP: some people - maybe not me or you or even Ustwo, but some people - do act out on fantasies and impulses caused by CP itself. My personal impulse is to grab a gun and go kneecap some asshole for letting it happen, but I digress.
To be honest, I'm frankly pretty damn surprised this thread even went out to three pages. I can see why it did, though.
I'd also like to say right now that I've never actually ever seen any image or film or any other sort of child porn (no, not even that lameass Traci Lords shit), and I'm thankful for that. I'm not a father, but kids have always held a very special place to me.
Speaking of which, something that I agree with (from more than one poster in this thread) that's seriously fucked up is that so many First World countries take such a severe stance against child porn and sexual exploitation, but any other form of exploitation just sort of gets a blind eye. 2-year-old boys kidnapped, taken across international borders and used as camel jockeys? Nobody here gave a shit about that for years because a) they were brown people, and b) it was happening in Dubai, and, uh, oil, and... what? What exploitation?*
Secondly - and I think squeeb will see this as a valid point as well - I'm not a law-ttorney but I'm pretty sure that bestiality is also illegal by the letter of the law in most US states, if not federally. Likely many other "Western" countries hold similar policies.
Yet it's perfectly fine to have 38TB of dog-raping and horse-humping videos on your computer? Hmmm. Double standard, anyone?
I won't even get into necrophilia, since (like CP & bestiality) it involves sexual acts that are impossible to have mutual consent to.
*This is a random example; Sheikh Zayed, President of the UAE, did begin to address this ghastly problem with some measure of success prior to his death. I like to think Sheikh Khalifa has continued to do so...