Appendicitis - Your Stories
Hey guys,
I've searched for a thread on this however I haven't found one.
I've done some research on symptoms of appendicitis; pressure on the side of the abdomen associated with pain occasional nausea and lack of appetite.
Since this morning around 10:00 the right side of my abdomen and partial lower back have been aching however the left side is completely fine. I was trying to go to sleep and I just can't because my sides hurting. I'm half tempted to go to the ER (since its nearly 1am here) although the pain is not excruciating so I don't know if I really need to go or not. It's uncomfortable for sure just not unbearable. James mentioned that if its getting completely awful I should go right away. My symptoms include: pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. I haven't been hungry however I have been eating for no particular reason. I know several folks are going to say go ahead and go to the doctor which is probably what I should do...however a trip to the ER does cost a good bit of money and should not happen unless absolutely necessary, which who knows this might be absolutely necessary.
What are some stories of those who have (or know of those) had their appendix removed? I'm curious to see if maybe brushing this off is a mistake or if I should take it more seriously. Has anyone else been in my position and found out later it was or wasn't appendicitis? Stories! Advice! Information on these things is always helpful!
Last edited by surferlove007; 05-05-2008 at 09:57 PM..