I had the Mirina IUD put in a couple years ago. It hurt so much.

Kinda like reverse birth. My DR was a little upset when he found that the nurse had not given me anything first. He said he would normally give you a valum (sp) or some other type of relaxant first. It hurt just for the first day, very little spotting.
I was told to refrain from sex for at least 2 days, but didn't and it must have shifted. My boyfriend could feel it poke him quite often and I ended up getting pregs a few months later. It was very high risk and the IUD ended up terminating the pregnancy.

The IUD came out along with everything else. They did put another one in immediately and it didn't hurt. Mostly because they had me doped up and I was still a little dilated.
This time we waited a month, it's in the right position now but he still gets poked every now and then depending on our position. Once, I tilted my pelvis a certain way during sex and I thought I was going to DIE it hurt so bad. I had to just lay there in a ball and cry for a while. He was scared, but everything was fine after that.
I still have it now and everything seems fine. I don't really have periods (maybe light spotting every few months) yet I still have the emotions and the cramps right on schedule. (that part sucks)
My recommendation would be to request some sort of pain reliever before you go, wait at least those 2 days before sex, and if your guy is "well hung" be wary of certain positions. Make sure he knows to back off when needed. this works great!
I am planning on getting it removed soon because I want to have children in the near (in a few years) future and am a little concerned about post IUD conception. I've read of women having problems trying to conceive once it's removed. We will see.
Has anyone had it removed yet and found any problems? Have you conceived yet? I would like to know. I'm getting up there and my clock is ticking away at me. I don't want to have problems when my SO and I try for children.
I was known to be sort of the "fertil mertil" since I got preg the one time the condom broke. But I was very young then and our bodies change with age.