Originally Posted by MSD
Seconding that. My view is that a chiropractor is someone delusional or devious enough to have gone to medical school yet can keep a straight face while telling me that my asthma is caused by bad posture.
You're wrong.
I mean, not about the delusional and devious part, about the medical school part.
Chiropractors have their own college system, and requirements seem to vary from one school to the next. The Cleveland Chiropractic College, for example, states that "It is preferred,
but not required, that candidates complete a bachelor’s degree prior to entering the Doctor of Chiropractic program."
Their schools could be considered medical school in a liberal sense (in that they're schools that teach a sort of medical practice) but it's not the same type of schooling that Doctors of Medicine go to.
My rule is that before I let anyone try to diagnose my ailments they must have completed eight years of schooling plus a residency. It is preferred, but not required, that candidates complete a fellowship as well.