Originally Posted by Ustwo
Actually I think Geology would have a better grasp than either of them if you had to pick a 'best to analyze' as a solo degree, but its too big a question for just one discipline to look at all potentials, but thanks for your concern
I'm a gas man. That is I work in the natural gas distribution industry, nominally in IT, but directing strategic development for operations. My degree, though, is in Physical Geography, Area of concentration being Climatology.
I've been a long time sceptic of global warming as it relates to the current orthodoxy (or should I say scientific McCarthyism) simply because we were educated, trained, or indoctrinated to understand that global climactic systems are always changing. The cycles are sometimes measured in hundreds of years, or in aeons. The current debate rages around if the perceived climactic oscillations are the result of man's influence, or part of the natural order.
I suspect that there's a little of both involved and while there is nothing wrong with attempting make ecological concessions to further the green agenda, human SCM systems are much more variable than climactic systems and can have real impacts. Witness the sudden food shortage and the direct links to ethanol production.
Or is this another conspiracy? I would hope that debate can occur in any forum, even Wikipedia, but the witch hunt can be dispensed with. Do we not learn from past experiences???