Originally Posted by Ustwo
Dissent does not equal patriotism.
A patriot can be a dissenter, but there is nothing special or magical about dissent.
When members of the left talk about dying US soliders as good for the genepool because only someone stupid would go fight *you DO remember that post don't you?* that is hard to call such dissent patriotic.
I am becoming very amused by all this anymore.
A couple years ago, the Dems were screaming (and I believe rightfully so, BTW I was one at that time screaming) that the GOP was questioning their "patriotism" and their "love of country" because they spoke out against the war.
Now, the Dems are the ones pointing fingers and telling people if they have reasons (whatever the personal choice and belief is) to not like Obama...... they are racist, not patriotic and how dare they question anything he does.... Wrght is a great example "he has the right and damned good reasons to preach that way, hes black and you have no idea what it is to be black..... to .. Oooopsie Wright is a misunderstood crazy uncle.... to.. oooo wait he's full of hate and preaches divisiveness and Obama separated himself and states he never heard any of that...... Or one may not like him because no one truly knows anything about the man...... Or one may not like him because he had land deals with a known criminal.... Or one may not like him because he leans too far left...... Or one may not like him because he refused to wear a flag lapel pin or cover his heart during a national anthem..... Or one may not like him because any number of reasons personal to the one that doesn't like him.
BUT none of those reasons are GOOD enough for the rabid, Obama supporter.... Noooooooo, if you don't like him you are racist, you are unpatriotic, you are a neo con, you do not think for yourself, you do not love your country..... blah blah blah.
So instead of trying to debate what Obama stands for to get your vote they use guilt, shame, threats, name calling and so on to get you to shut up and either vote for him or not vote at all.
Welcome to BushCo the next generation!!!!!!!!!
To all you who want to threaten, call names, guilt, shame and so on.... I say Fuck you I'll vote for whom I choose! And for those who want to debate Obama's stances on the issues..... let's open a thread and do it. But let's do so without the rest of the bullshit...... ok?