Originally Posted by MonomAnny
I think the dead guy in the preview is Ben's Dad, but I am not 100% sure.
Negative. I'd have recognized Roger Workman/Uncle Rico. I didn't recognize that guy, but I presume he's Dharma or one of the Hostiles.
Originally Posted by MonamAnny
So Hurley thinks the Oceanic 6 are in heaven and nothing else exists and then freaks Jack out to the point where he becomes a raging paranoid alcoholic who wants to go back to the island.
See, Jack doesn't do well with happiness. He's got to have problems to fix. And he's got the residual Island spookiness hanging on him--there's still this big question in the back of his head about whether Christian is still alive out there on the island somewhere. Until this episode, we hadn't really touched on it since Season 1 when Jack went to recover his body and only found the empty coffin, but it's still there.
Originally Posted by MonomAnny
I wonder where Dr. Shephard took Claire? And do you think Dr. Shephard is Jacob?
Here's the question I was left with: When Miles saw Christian...
what was he seeing? Guy sees ghosts. He didn't seem too freaked out when he told Sawyer about it, though, like it was just some guy. But he SAW him. So it wasn't a figment of Claire's imagination. And it wasn't like "Claire walked off with a ghost". It was a GUY. So... either Christian is another 815 survivor, riding down in a coffin in the hold, and has been fending for himself on the island (in a suit) for the last several months, or something
even weirder than that is going on.