Wait a minute. You're suggesting that thousands of children a year are kidnapped by the Catholic Church and forced into sexual slavery? I cant really read too far into your post beyond you saying that Satan controls the media and is - wait, here you go -
Originally Posted by MirrorsrorriM
Satan is probably an alien life form that has an insect like consciousness, views humans are pretty much nothing but it's prey, human emotions are just to be manipulated and use to enslave them, murder, rape them, etc.
You then go on to say this, which frankly boggles my mind (I have no better term for it)
Originally Posted by MirrorsrorriM
if there is a God, he is satanic and evil and a Omnipotent Monster and we should all commit mass suicide to end his sick control over higher beings whom he enjoys torturing.
Then you say this! By now, I'm just reading for kicks.
Originally Posted by MirrorsrorriM
Obviously though, most of the people, even posting here, won't be able to understand, Satan will confuse them and prevent them from understanding it, he will punish them for their bad thoughts in a million creative ways, subtle subliminal controls too vast for what's left of their putrified minds, rotted with sin and fermented into a demonic elixor of decadence.
Dude, this is awesome. You are a master flamer and for that, I applaud you. If we could get back to the subject at hand, though, I have a few things to say.
It's common that a lot of people in jail for unwilling (as opposed to statutory) rape of a minor had large stashes of CP either printed out or on thier computer. The point here is that there's a significant link in ownership of child pornography and actually going out and having sex with children. It's never the right thing to do, and it is repulsive, but I beleive that ownership and viewing of child pornography creates some desire to actively enact what you've seen.
Who among us have not gotten an idea of a sexual position from a legal pornographic photograph? I watch threesome videos and I think to myself "Damn! That looks fun! Wish I could do that someday!" Someone who is sufficietly desperate, perverted and motivated enough to look up CP online can perhaps one day become sufficiently desperate, perverted and motivated enough to enact his repugnant fantasies.
Lolicon is a good stopgap for these procedures. No children are hurt or exploited and the air of surrealism helps stop any perverts at the door, because nothing will ever be as perfect as the lolicon they own. Also, it's legal, widely available and free to download almost anywhere you go. Of course it's still wrong, but in degrees of wrongness, would you rather have the lolicon, created by a 35 year old virgin in his basement, or the actual CP out in the world? Lolicon hurts nobody, IMHO.