Originally Posted by smoore
When we used to do it in boarding school for a cheap high we wouldn't choke each other, you can cause the person to pass out and dream without obstructing the airway. Basically the person who's dreaming squats like a jungle dweller, looks at the floor and hyperventilates. When they feel dizzy they stand up quickly and the "choker" blocks the two arteries leading to the brain by putting pressure with the palm of the hands on each side of the airway. No choking necessary, the "dreamer" passes out in about five seconds and everyone lays them on the prepared mattress. I was really good at it, could pass people out in seconds and never left a bruise.
Crazy kids... 
I think this is pretty much the way they were doing it. I know it was
n't done a la Boston Strangler.
I think I'm in shock that I haven't seen or heard about it. That explains the "california dream". A natural high, eh?