There really isn't much a parent can do to shelter their kids from things as dangerous as choking. Curiosity coupled with inexperience is what makes children children.
Sheltering doesn't work because restrictions only foster curiosity. And while it's much easier said than done - teaching your kids the value of trust and the consequences of their actions by giving them a little room and following through with punishment when they slip up would be a much more successful effort.
Besides, YouTube is filled with teens who love to dance it up in their underwear, Myspace is littered with spoof pages that lead to various adult sites, Flickr is loaded with swingers groups who love to share pictures from their xxx adventures....and as more and more sites start to incorporate videos and some form of social networking - it'll only get worse.
As Jinn alluded to, there's no such thing as safe surfing.
"Porn is a zoo of exotic animals that becomes boring upon ownership." -Nersesian