Well, it didn't have Ben or Desmond, so last night's episode didn't really matter to me a whole lot. On top of that, it was all about Kate and Jack and Sawyer, who I probably care least about amongst the main...11-ish characters. The best reasons to watch it were 1) seeing how we move from relatively normal and happy flashbacks to psycho crazy Jack from "Through the Looking Glass" and 2) Evangeline Lilly wearing nothing but a button down shirt and panties and showing off her scantily clad ass and legs.
I was VERY sad to see how little damage the commando team sustained from the smoke monster. I expect more from old misty. Also, I want those guys to die painfully. I'm looking forward to seeing what Christian Shephard's ghost manifestation thingy has in store for his children. I kept expecting us to get...more...from him in this last episode but it never quite panned out. Hopefully that's forthcoming.
Spoiler: I am REALLY trying to remember which guy it is who appeared in the trailer for next week saying "I've been dead for 12 years." I'm almost positive it's someone we've seen before in one of Ben's Dharma flashbacks, but I can't quite put my finger on who exactly it is. Looks promising and cool, though.
Last edited by Frosstbyte; 05-09-2008 at 10:53 AM..