you people who think hell is a fairy tale don't get it.
1) If they find life on Mars, that's TWO planets, in the only solar system we know, that have life, that means life is probably SUPER ABUNDANT AND NOT RARE.
2) from what we know about life forms, they are ruthless, NOT MORAL, enjoy inflicting pain and scaring their enemies, and we should not assume alien life forms would be any different. In fact, we should assume the more highly evolved they are, the more ruthless and criminally insane they are, and they probably have evolved to the point where they feed off negative emotions, like fear and terror. Several episodes of STar Trek explored these possibilities, you may laugh at STar Trek but as far as raw philosophy goes, as to the nature and origins of alien life, there is no greater treatise on the subject that Star Trek episodes.
The one thing Star Trek doesn't explore as much as you would think, is the very common possibility that aliens would simply view humans as a good food source. How much feeling do you have for your food? How much empathy? concern? little to none, more like none.
And when we look at how sick and depraved humans are, how can we know for sure, that God's depravity and evil isn't actually INFINITE? How can we be sure, that since, God didn't give us any choice in being created, he doesn't give us any choice in self-annihilation? Killing yourself is no way out, your consciousness is still contained with the reality that God has created, he keeps it going for the purpose of torturing you, because he/she/it gets off on it, just like all humans, created in his image, get off on dominating and being feared, etc, etc.
Last edited by MirrorsrorriM; 05-02-2008 at 10:54 AM..