has a plan
Location: middle of Whywouldanyonebethere
The TFP Thread Generator
By now you have probably seen Cynthetiq flaunt his awesome TFP Post Generator skills and wondered, " How can I be that awesome and use the TFP automated post generator?" You know you have.
The unofficial TFP Post Generator is FASS, the Forum ASSistant. With FASS, one need only click copy of parts of a news article, FASS will store it into the proper fields, and then generate a post automatically.
I shall demonstrate the power of FASS on the TFP Policy and Guidelines: - I click "Auto"
- A prompt opens and I type my thoughts about the article
- I click "Manual" so that I can see what I need to be copying
- Copy the News Headline
- Copy the News Text
- Copy the News URL
- Guess what, FASS automatically fills in the Source Name and the Source URL for me!
- I just hit "Copy Post" and paste 'er right in here.
Let me demonstrate to you the power of the FASS.
Behold! click to show
Source: Tfproject
Post created with FASS, the unofficial TFP post generator
The essence of the TFP is free speech without fear of discrimination. This means that we must harbor OPINIONS, no matter how different or counter-establishment they are. We must enforce MATURE conversation and understanding. Polarization, right/wrong, left/right, and disrespect will have no place here. All that matters is expression, sharing, and respect.
All of these rules are backed by our membership and enforced by our moderation staff. If you have any questions, please send me a PM.
If you have any questions about these rules, or are unsure of whether something you want to post is acceptable, ask a staff member; we won't bite if you err on the side of caution.
1. This site is for adults age 18 and up. If you can’t act like a mature adult you are likely to be banned. This includes being respectful of other members.
2. Spamming is not tolerated under any circumstances and is grounds for instant banning.
3. You may only post links to your own website if it contains a permanent link back to the TFP. This includes links in your signature.
4. If a picture has someone under 18 in it, you can choose to blur them to the point that even you can't recognize them, put a big solid block over them, or not post the picture.
5. Discussions of buying and selling contraband are not allowed.
6. Blatantly offensive discussions are not allowed, so ask first or proceed at your own risk. Blatantly offensive or illegal images such as shock sites, bestiality, and child porn may result in banning.
7. Do not post anyone's personal information (full name, phone number, address, email) without their permission. No exceptions and extends to nonmembers. That means no “call Louise at 212/555-1212 for a good time” or the address of the local serial killer.
8. If you are male, then your TFP persona is male. If you are female, then your TFP persona is female. There are to be no exceptions.
9. One person, one account, no exceptions.
10. If it's referral-based and gets you free stuff, it's not allowed. It doesn't matter if it's a free iPod, a porn site, or a game, it's not allowed and is typically treated like spam.
If you read this far and haven't decided to leave, you're going to fit right in. All we ask is that you remember that you are our guest. We're glad to have you here, and the only thing you're required to do is behave yourself; if something is against the spirit of the rules but not explicitly stated in the list, it's probably not a good idea to do it (remember that part at the top about asking if you're unsure.)
If you don't know where to start, read a few threads and take a look at how things run around here. There's no hazing ritual like most boards have, new members are embraced by the community.
1. Healthy debate is encouraged. The TFP prides itself on being a wonderful place to hold a civilized conversation. Please do your part to keep it up to code. Disagreement can take place without rudeness or disrespect. For your own sake, if you wish to continue enjoying the TFP, learn how to disagree respectfully. If you do not like a post for its content or its author, it's best to hit the back button on your browser rather than giving your heated two cents. Two word posts are not appreciated at all. The best way to gain respect is to speak your full mind with each post. A simple, "I agree," will not cut it 99% of the time and will not help your membership advancement (see part III).
2. Since you are required to both BE and ACT at least 18 years of age, any allusions to immaturity will draw the attention of our moderators.
3. We encourage everyone to come in with open ears and eyes. The main themes of the TFP revolve around sexuality, philosophy and forward thinking. We'd like to help you feel secure about yourself in each of those categories.
4. Be honest with everyone. This is the internet and anonymity rules here, so that's even more of a reason to be open and truthful in your posts. There is no better way to take advantage of the many users who are reading the boards, willing to provide help and support.
5. Please read the “Creating Threads: A Primer” thread if you are going to create one.
6. When posting articles and bits from other websites, it's imperative that you do all of the following:
1. Link the passage in your post.
2. Directly quote the passage in your post using the vBcode quote tag. Just linking the passage is very bad form.
3. Include your opinion along with the quote.
7. If you are unsure of a post that you would like to make, send a private message to a moderator to ask for advice. Moderators are listed by clicking the "forum leaders" link at the bottom of the forum.
8. Aside from posting on the board, another way to contribute to the TFP is to donate (see part VII).
9. Very few of us are actually licensed in the areas that we give advice. Keep that in mind.
10. Research polls or questionnaires, etc., should be PM'ed to a moderator/Admin before a new thread is started. They are approved on a case-by-case basis only and will be immediately removed if created before permission is given.
1. Member participation is strongly encouraged and rewarded, though we insist that you make your contribution to the TFP as meaningful as possible. Please do not post frivolously to achieve status. Our economy does not run on post counts.
2. The TFP has many private forums that are not accessible to new users. They are more private, sensitive and community oriented in nature and so we have a very strict screening process to gain access to them.
3. After a brief probation period (one month at the VERY LEAST), users are reviewed by our moderators to determine if they are mature enough to participate in the private forums.
4. Infractions of TFP policy will hinder your review and may indefinitely postpone it.
5. 250 worthwhile posts will earn you an animated avatar. 500 worthwhile posts and at least three months of membership will earn you a custom title. You CANNOT attain these extra privileges if you have not been promoted.
6. We utilize a spam filter for new people. If your post does not appear after you hit the “submit reply” button, please be patient and a moderator or admin will release it for you. If your post is time-sensitive, please PM any staff member who is online. Responsible posting will eliminate this inconvenience quickly.
1. Journals are available for users to transcribe their thoughts for other users to read, like blogs. They are very personal most of the time, but remember that they are openly viewed by the public and comments can be made.
2. All journal entries and responses are held to the same standards and rules of public forum posts. They are not a 'safe harbor' away from the regulations of the public board.
3. Even if you create a private journal, administrators are still able to view your entries. This is for security reasons.
1. The TFP runs an IRC chat channel, provided by Shadowfire. It's a place for you to become more familiar with your fellow TFPers by interacting in real-time discussions and antics.
2. While rules are generally more lenient in the chat room, which is a much more dynamic environment where messages are conveyed off the cuff, you're expected to act responsibly none the less.
3. You can be banned from the TFP for devious actions performed in chat.
4. 'Stealing' another user's nickname will result in a ban from chat for a week. The second offense will result in a permanent ban from the site.
5. Using verbose scripts is frowned upon. If you are using an IRC script, please strip all frivolous messaging and colors from it.
1. No site plugs are allowed in signatures unless you have PAID for them.
2. Any link to an outside site must have a link back to TFP. All exceptions must be approved by Halx in advance.
3. Maximum signature length should be 5 or 6 lines. You will be asked to edit if a lengthy signature frequently eclipses the length of your posts.
1. There is currently only one way to donate: Snail Mail
2. To donate through the mail, send Halx a Private Message requesting the address to send it to.
3. Include your username with your donation to receive credit.
4. Donations are gifts from you to the community in the form of monetary funds. They help pay for the monthly hosting and bandwidth bill.
5. It's important to note that the very definition of 'donation' implies that you will not get any special treatment for giving one. There is no immunity implied with being a donor. Please donate because you enjoy the site, not because you think you can get anything out of it.
6. The average donation is $20-25, but anything more than that is greatly appreciated!
Everyone should have read these... Muwhahahahaha!!
What makes FASS unique is that one can easily change the way it inputs fields and arranges them in the post. I have figured out how to make custom fields and have fixed a problem the automated field generation.
Your thoughts are always appreciated. Attached are my configuration files.