How about a lift on the tax of alternatives?
How about instead of opening the spigot of a nearly drained gas container,
putting more money in the pockets of a campaigner,
we stop acting like parasites. This is a no brainer.
One more barrel left, crude, weak handed deal.
Instead of planting our last seeds, we're making them into a meal.
A holiday when you're out of work; meaningless.
A holiday when you're starving; fruitless.
We don't need a damned vacation,
we need noses to the grindstone on a 24 hour rotation.
If you were bleeding, would you widen the wound?
Sorry, I've been watching a bunch of Def Poetry Jam on Youtube. Seriously, though, this is the worst kind of crazy. Instead of allowing the pressures of ever increasing gas prices force the market to move on more seriously to alternatives, we're giving ourselves a vacation from responsibility. It's like taking a vacation from a drought by opening up the last of the reserve water.