I just changed the scheme to "BasicsDark" and now I have contast! My apologies to those of you who felt typographically disadvantaged. I am just a humble fellow citizen with some OCD tendencies!
Originally Posted by Ustwo
It would keep things like Gerimandering to a minimum...
If you think about it more, you'll realize that it will virtually eliminate gerrymandering! In a 50,000-person district, how much gerrymandering can you do (other than trying to push the house painted green into the next district)?
Originally Posted by Ustwo
...unlike in the past, with current technology its not like we would need all 6000 present at a location in order to vote etc.
YES!! Read:
How do all those Representatives fit into one building?
Originally Posted by Ustwo
There are some negatives, perhaps the most being that the smaller the election the more disinterested people are. I'd guess fully 3/4ths of the public couldn't name their congressman as it is.
All the available evidence points to the contrary. I will eventually provide more of that information in the web pamphlet when I have time. But "search your feelings"... think about how much more
connected most people would feel by knowing who their Representative is, especially after he/she calls you
in person, or knocks on your door to ask for your vote. This is a major paradigm shift.