Originally Posted by pan6467
But my favorite, my truest passion in gambling, was going to the thoroughbred tracks, buying the tip sheets, handicapping the horses, betting and then watching hem run. Poetry in motion they are. Never got into he trotters too slow and too easily fixed, much easier than the thoroughbreds.
Every year around this time I get antsy to go back to the track, it's soon to be the king of all races the KENTUCKY DERBY. Hard to believe this will be the 9th consecutive year I will not have bet on it.
I don't miss the gambling but I miss the track and watching the horses run.....
When I was in high school I worked a summer as a groom at River Downs Race Track in Cincinnati taking care of 18 thoroughbreds. The trainer I worked for gave me several tips that summer which paid off nicely. It helps your odds immensely if you know which horses in the race the trainers are really trying to win with and which ones are just in the race because they are due to run and fit the race criteria.
In casinos the only game where the odds are on your side is blackjack when you count if you can do it without getting tossed. I guess if you are a skilled poker player you can do well against unskilled players but everyone in those games is paying the house.