Originally Posted by Tully Mars
So, perhaps you can enlighten us. From a ladies perspective does the amount of the "load" matter to you? I mean as long as it isn't in your hair.
Not anymore. Was a time, however, when I attributed the quantity towards my prowess, or lack thereof, depending upon the situation.
It took me one amazing partner to help teach me the truth and get me past those sexual insecurities. So, no. Not anymore. It's all good.
A quick aside, while you're asking for the ladies' opinions. Abstinence does not always directly affect the "load amount". My latest partner and I engaged in frequent sex for about two years. On some occasions there were lesser amounts, some days there was more. And even those multiorgasmic times didn't
necessarily start big and get sequentially smaller.
In my hair? Anywhere, baby. As long as it's not after I've washed my hair for work.
We're going to be in the shower doing it again anyway.