I've done a search and can't find a similar thread (perhaps there is one, but at least I tried.)
Anyway, this thread is a pretty simple preposition, since it's coming to the end of the day; at least in England - you lot have a while to get learning.
Throughout my time on the internet I've learnt a lot of things. Many of these are from links to wikipedia, which turn into long trawls through endless related links where you find out lots of stuff you would never need to know, but it still intrigues you.
For example.
I've often wondered how testicles don't get twisted up as they feel pretty free bouncing around in their scrotum.
I was bored and happened to be on wikipedia, so I cast my doubts relating the graphic nature of images pertinent to the scrotum aside, manned up, entered "scrotum", and clicked "go" on the wiki search.
This is what I found on my (brief) look at a diagram of a dissected human scrotum (legs firmly crossed).
Basically there is a dividing wall in the scrotum, which stops them interfering with each other when you get a bit enthusiastic in your pounding missions. Apparently they're called "scrotal halves" - innovative.
Whilst this is incredibly logical, for some reason I'd never thought of such a thing existing, but now I know.
Now, I know this will never come in useful, bar reducing my fear that one day I may need to travel to a doctor in agony with a case of twisted testicles, but still it's somewhat interesting to me.
Lets see what you've got!
Do I use too many commas/write too complex sentences for internet usage? Seems as if I always have to edit my posts to make them less "commaful"