Originally Posted by alicat
Were getting a new couch for our new house. Hubbies getting an Ipod phone and the rest will go in savings. It will help to get our small balance back up to where it was before this winter's heating costs led to us slowly "borrowing" from ourselves to pay the bills. That was with a brand new 97% high efficiency furnace. 
I feel your pain. We owe 1200 on our utility bill, a balance I could pay off with this check, but won't. Why? Because no matter what we do, we will still get socked with an outrageous bill we can't pay and be out $1200 all at once.
We cook on the grill(in the dead of winter), had the thermostat on a constant 64, I take 8 minute showers and chase the kids out after 10, hang laundry on a line to dry and never do laundry in warm water. Yet, we still got hit so bad that last summer, they shut off our electric.
News reports are all over this rebate as being not so much as the "Economic Stimulus" it was purported to be but just a panacea to help with bills, the most prevalent being utility and credit cards. No increase in conspicuous consumption will be evident.