Originally Posted by JinnKai
Why is a "fatty load" important? Does the amount of semen you put out really that important? Unless you're in porn or looking to procreate, I just don't see it.
I know this OP was just a hit-and-run, but here's to hoping..
Well, Jinn, my friend, some people get real turned on by the idea of shooting loads of cum. There are a lot of reasons for this. Erotic literature frequently draws a link to the amount of cum and the "size" of the orgasm. Erotic art frequently exaggerates the size of the load being expelled from the penis as hypersexual emphasis. Cum itself can be a turn-on, and the more, the better. When viewing cumshots, it is often the most explosive ones that are effective in the arousal of the viewer. There is nothing wrong with wanting to inch closer to your fantasy.
I hope I have answered your question.