Originally Posted by pan6467
Let me pose a true conspiracy question:
Clinton is running and knows she has a lot of Clinton haters out there.
Knows that her and Bill have powerful enemies in the party.
Knows that Edwards could hurt her, maybe even win full out (no Supers needed).
Now, you need a patsy.... someone that has charisma, no one really knows, someone that can speak for change and be a truly brand new face.... Hell, we'll even make sure he raises more money than the supposed greatest money raiser ever seen in the DNC Bill Clinton.
We'll even use our press allies to build this guy up to Messiah level, people will pass out at his speeches and the cameras will be right there for all to see his power.
Then we'll start the deconstruction. First a speech of unity.... then a speech of total hand washing.... we will make this man unelectable vs. McCain.
So what happens? The DNC will want a winner on he ticket, Hilary, will you lead us and maybe put Obama on as your running mate?
And of course Obama understands no matter what he is to drop out under scandal, but not so serious to totally destroy him, just his presidential hopes this year.
It brings the party together in support of Hilary as the nominee and she slid through almost the whole ear without any true scandals being brought out.
The only true scandal: Bosnia's faux pas. Let me ask you..... how many of you truly believe that Hilary would be that stupid to say something like that? Then have one of her very own supporters, tell the truth?..... After all we know about how great Hilary and Bill are at being so meticulous in everything they do so they can't get caught, she'd do something that stupid?????? Come on.
Just something to ponder.
Another question is, what if Obama started believing all his new found glory and said "fuck you Bill and Hilary, I ain't dong it anymore, I'm actually winning and I won't do it."?
OOOOOO Baby, then Wright truly brings out the skeletons, the Ayers' bring out the skeletons and so on. Then they just totally destroy him.
LOL...... ahhhhh the world of politics and the Clintons.....people will laugh, deny, tell me I'm crazy for even thinking such a thing..... but this is soooooo possible, and it looks to me as if the most probable scenario.
This would be a masterpiece if true and if the Clintons pull it off.
See ya in Nov. McCain.... and um W leave the H keys on the typewriters.
Way too complex a plan, I enjoy looking for wheels in wheels, plans within plans, but there is a limit.
My guess is they just underestimated Obama.
When this is all said and done I can't see Obama not being the nominee unless, as you said more comes out than him politicing with a crazy minister.
I can't see McCain winning unless the democrats run an utterly inept campaign (again) like they did in 2000 and 2004. If they can't win after a 2 term, leaving on low popularity president with a weak economy, they might as well close shop.
Wake me for 2010, if the democrats get wacky like 92-94 you can expect another 94, and I hope this time the republicans remember why they were elected.
Edit:On a side note I'd vote for Wright before I'd vote for Edwards, how anyone who knows Edwards history as a lawyer can vote for him is beyond me.