Originally Posted by dlish
just a thought..
everyone is saying how into her religion this girl is...
so whyd she spend a night with u then?
no offence but a 'good jewish girl' wouldnt go that...
so im thinking maybe theres something else goin on and the religion is only a facade
just my thoughts on it
Doesn't necessarily work like that in Judaism. Especially in non-Orthodox Judaism. There are a number of opinions about pre-marital sex in Judaism, and several are-- by Christian standards-- exceedingly permissive. (I'm dating a girl who's very, very into her Judaism, and very into sex, and she's a good Jewish girl. In fact, last time I was with her, she was a
very, very good Jewish girl!) Not to mention that many non-Orthodox Jews simply decide that the rules concerning sexual behavior are not the aspects of Jewish practice that interest them.... Not a very convincing theological practice, but very common just the same.... I just had to say it, for the sake of clarity....
I still think that it's not that she's very religious, but either that she feels hypersensitive about her Jewish cultural identity for some reason, or-- more likely-- that she was having a wiggins about going too fast with him, and the Jewish thing was just the excuse that was handy.