seaver--right not the celtics are winning by 10. it won't last.
if you start digging into the gun story, you find that the source of it are sites like this:
and other blogs kept byu parents in the neighborhood of kgia who are basically pissed off about the way they've been treated by the department of education. it's hard to say beyond that what's true and what's not--but these are strange sources to rely on for much of anything, given how pissy the writers are about their understanding of how they've been treated by the city (which may be true enough) and the kind of information they adduce seemingly as confirmation of the their sense of injustice at their treatment (just read the blog---or this one:
and you'll see)
past this, it's hard to say how much closer to "the ground" one can get without being in brooklyn---you got a better source, seaver?
so i'm skeptical.
nb: more stuff about this.
i haven't looked at all of it---there's a ton.