This thread is about a hypothetical reworking of the Second Amendment in today's world.
This is the issue here which is perhaps the most open to debate. You say todays world like its different than yesterdays world and I don't think it is very different. Our methods may have changed in warfare, but just as we look back and see little difference between 1415 and 1416, I'm sure they thought the world was turned upside down in France as knights lost to mostly commoners. Todays world is nothing special compared to their world, our motivations are the same, our brains our the same, our mortality is the same.
Originally Posted by willravel
"Should" and "are" seem to be 100 miles apart even with the current right to bear arms, though. Most people wouldn't get off their sofas until the invaders were driving down their own streets in tanks. Or if American Idol was cancelled.
Perhaps, but I also recall lines at the recruitment offices after 9/11. I was motivated to join even though I was over 30 years old, with a wife, in the middle of a professional program. Were at 21 and single again, I could not imagine having not joined.
If China was somehow able to take care of the US Pacific fleet (like bankrupting the government?), and China invaded, San Francisco would likely become a battleground. Plenty of people around here have guns (I've actually been surprised how common they are here in liberalstown), but fighting a ground war against the Chinese Army would likely not go well. Have you ever opened fire on a tank with a shotgun? I can't imagine that going well. Better? Surrender, lull them into a false sense of security, and then rebel like there's no tomorrow. IEDs are frighteningly easy to build.
Tanks control the macro terrain, but men with guns control the micro. You will not win a war with IED's unless the nation at wars will is weak.
I have to wonder if an amendment would really help us in such a time. If we're rising up, we're going to rise up regardless of Constitutional permission.
And when you rise up, what will you fight with?
Personally I'd be happier if two years of service was required and after you were required to keep your weapon ready to use until the age of 60, after that it would be optional.