Hold 'Em with friends is about as far as I go. I love casinos, but more for the people-watching than for the gambling. My grandfather lived in Reno for many years, and so I traipsed through many a casino without gambling as a youngster. I actually find it sort of odd that now I can go to those places and play. If I have a few bucks on me while I'm in one I might play some video poker, but that's usually to attract a free drink, not to actually gamble. I cash out before I lose anything. In the Indian casinos here in Oregon, they don't serve alcohol on the floor of the casino, so I don't gamble while at one--there's no reason to.
I do buy scratch-its now and again without much regret, since part of the stupid tax of buying such a thing goes to state parks and schools, and occasionally I win enough to offset the cost of purchasing a scratch-it. Plus they're kind of fun.
If I am not better, at least I am different. --Jean-Jacques Rousseau