Originally Posted by Lasereth
Not sure if you guys saw but IGN gave GTA4 the first "10" in 9 years since Soul Calibur for the Dreamcast. It got a 10 in every single category. Went and preordered it today for 360. Apparently the PS3 version has better graphics. Oh well, I'm not buying a PS3 until the MGS4 combo comes out this summer. I can't wait for Tuesday!!!!!!!!!!
Good grief, a seven page review? I've written research papers in college shorter than that.
Anyway, I remember reading somewhere the 360 version had the better frame rate and the PS3 had less pop in. Pop in I can deal with, frame is the bigger issue imo.
Here's to hoping the local Blockbuster gets a copy. Always rent first buy second, especially since I hated GTA III to SA (I loved Saint's Row). I'm thinking it's the targeting system that ruined it for me mostly and I've read good things about IV's new system. Only time will tell I guess.