My primary use for grain is blowing fireballs. I used it to make absinthe back when I did such things, and I still mix it occasionally. For drinking, I'm really more of a 151 guy (make a Cuba Libre with 151 instead of rum and you have a Cuban Missile Crisis!)
Originally Posted by Mister Coaster
I had a capfull of the 190 proof once... To quote Ralph Wiggam "It tastes like... burning."
You think that's bad? Try inhaling it when someone bumps into you.
Originally Posted by trickyy21
Then again if you feel this doesnt have enough of a kick to it... try graduating to absynthe )
Absinthe differs from high-proof liquor only in that bad absinthe carries a risk of renal toxicity and most high-proof rum and grain alcohol doesn't taste like Gatorade mixed with lawn trimmings and diesel fuel. Anything past drunkenness is placebo.
Originally Posted by SSJTWIZTA
thats a great idea.
i wonder if the jello will be all runny, though.
Not only will it get runny, if you use too much alcohol or don't mix it with water first, it will denature the colloids that hold it together, leaving you with flavored alcohol and what looks like jizz floating in it.