Its hard to find anything specific but....
Upon a quick google I found several abstinence based curricula and they all had sections on STDs and the like.
Now its a big country and I'm sure some school some where is doing one where you are suppose to pray to jesus every time you see a woman and think unpure thoughts, but as a whole what exactly is missing?
I'm beginning to wonder how I made it through highschool without an STD or knocking someone up due to my apparently lack of 'education'. I didn't have a class to show me how to put on a condom or even tell me if I should aim for the face or the tits.
And yet I figured it all out.
Since teen pregnancies are still way down from those dark ages when I went to school, (which sort of throws into light the ridiculous of 1 in 4 teenage girls has an STD) I do have to wonder what the difference is.
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