Originally Posted by Manic_Skafe
SofaKingA, I just read this entire thread and have yet to see you mention that the time in which they're playing this music is inappropriate. For all we know, they could be blasting this music at 4pm which doesn't seem to be too unreasonable to me.
Exceptionally loud music that rattles your walls and furniture is unacceptable at
any time, IMO.
SofaKingA pays money to live there, and should not be forced to live by his neighbors' standards, which seem to not be in sync with everyone else's standards.
Remember, everyone has rights, but the right for me to extend my fist ends at your nose. Period. It's the people who think their rights are more important than everyone else's who always end up causing trouble.
Having said that, I'm certainly aware that different standards may apply in different situations. What passes for acceptable behavior in a college dorm won't fly in a $3,000/month apartment building.
SofaKingA - does this kind of behavior go with the territory? To be fair, let's face the reality in this country that your right to privacy improves in relation to the amount of rent you pay.
Originally Posted by Manic_Skafe
Is there anything you can do? Sure, grow up a little bit and handle it like an adult.
Or just find somewhere else to live.
Not to pick on you personally,
Manic_Skafe, by double-quoting you, but it seems to me that he has been
very mature in his handling of the problem so far. As far as his having to be the one to move - I would disagree strongly with that
in principle . However, sometimes you have to look ahead to all of life's battles and choose the ones that just aren't worth fighting. Maybe that
is the best answer. I sure wouldn't worry about your lease, since the landlord is not living up to his part in providing you a "safe, habitable domicile," or however the legalese is stated in your neck of the woods. Take a look at your lease and look up tenant rights laws in your city, then take your argument to your landlord. Keep calling the cops, too. Eventually, landlords tire of having their property recorded in police reports.
In the mean time, good luck. And buy some ear plugs.
Yeah, I know you
shouldn't have to, they've helped me keep my sanity (and my ass out of jail) on several occasions.
And if that doesn't work, plant a pipe bomb and a blueprint of City Hall in their apartment, and call ATF.