The 2nd says that a well-regulated militia is necessary, but it enumerates the right to the people, not any militia.
Originally Posted by fastom
So MSD... the headline in the paper reads "MSD shoots armed gang member in store holdup". The rest of gang members find a listing for MSD in the phone book... and you still feel safe?
Better than a headline about a gang member shooting me. Shooting in self defense is a choice between a shitty situation and being dead. It's not something to take lightly, but if it comes down to a decision, I'm going to choose "not dead." Fortunately, if I do end up getting myself into one of those bad situations, I'm statistically likely to end up as one of the 90% or more who draw but don't fire. If I never have to point a gun at something other than a range target or something I'm planning to kill, cook, and eat, I'd be very happy about that.
I'm concerned about a trend that points toward finding myself in a situation where it's better to have a gun than to not have one. It's led to increasing my situational awareness significantly, and I consider myself significantly less likely to end up in a bad situation than before I started paying such close attention. Hopefully that will make any gun I carry unnecessary.