I dunno.... I'll go see it. After all,
The Hobbit was much shorter than
Lord of the Rings, and it was written simply, and directly, for kids, whereas
Lord of the Rings was not. So it would seem like it would be a lot more difficult for that bastard Jackson and his crew to ruin it, the way they did
Lord of the Rings....
Yeah, that's right. I said they fucking shredded those books in making the movies. I don't care how many Oscars the damn things won. Sure, they looked pretty as hell, but in terms of content, it was absolute hash. I wrote my undergrad thesis on Tolkien, and I am both a devout fan of his work, and also a purist when it comes to epic prose and poetry. It's a cursed shame how his family have sold out his work the way they have.... If Tolkien weren't dead already, those movies would've killed him....