I love smoking threads, so much vitriol on each side. I'm what I think is a considerate smoker. I don't litter (at all, not just butts), I smoke in our designated areas and I'm respectful in that I avoid exhaling upwind. I'm used to being a vilified minority and don't really care. I can be a quite confrontational asshole if someone wants to get in my face about it.
I'm all for banning smoking in public owned buildings but not private ones. Hell, I think people should still be allowed to smoke in offices if they manage to exhaust or purify the air. What really gets my panties in a twist is the legislation banning smoking in private businesses like bars. Smoking and drinking go together and should usually be enjoyed with a card game.
One thing I find especially humorous about militant anti-smokers is the environmental angle. "Bitch, please." The amount of particulate pollution caused by burning tobacco is minuscule at the worst. I guess I'll support banning smoking for environmental reasons when I support banning campfires. "Those damn campers, always screwing up our environment! We're going to install EPA certified wood stoves at all the campgrounds!"
On a slight threadjack, I am happy that Colorado made the diesels clean up their act. Nothing quite like being behind one of those old RTD buses on a bike and getting a face full of diesel smoke when the light turns green. Sure don't miss those days and it's one of the reasons I don't blow smoke in people's faces.