Originally Posted by roachboy
the claim that you implicitly make to monopolize "reality" is pretty funny stuff, ace. your pollyanna world of market relations, understood to the exclusion of all other factors, just makes me laugh, particularly when you get arrogant about the kinds of claims that this market metaphysics justifies.
"add value to your views" indeed.
I am sure there are a few areas in my life where I am in complete and total denial of reality. The first step for me is to openly acknowledge that. I know I have biases. I know I have acted in manners inconsistent with my stated values and principles. I know I have many flaws. I know I can not possibly see all sides of an issue. I don't try to monopolize "reality", I do make attempts at humor and I am happy to know you found some in my post. Personally the - having balls is the new black - is my favorite. Actually that is one thing I like about Hilary Clinton, she will hunt, fish, drink shots, play football and chew tobacco with the best of them - but that goes of your point.
My market view is actually more complicated than how I post things here. Generally, I don't think people can get to high level discussions until there is agreement on certain truisms. Trying to defend a truism has proven very difficult for me. If I have an argument on the basis that over time "business" will earn profits commensurate with market risk and pass increased costs on to consumers, how can I clearly articulate that argument without trying to explain something that is to me at the simplest of concepts. Hence the explanations come across simplistically. Yet some here will argue all day long on that issue, and we never get to the next level. In this thread for example, we could have taken it in many directions, but what has the focus been? Trivial stuff in my opinion.
Being arrogant is one of my biggest (well second biggest

) attributes. I know it is a problem, and I have warned people about it. My arrogance often won't let me walk away, when everything else is telling me I should. I know I should have dropped this issue along time ago, but I couldn't. Being as arrogant as I am, to admit weakness take a lot of effort. What I have found when I write it, I can then control it.
Thanks for your help.