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Old 04-25-2008, 08:53 AM   #54 (permalink)
aceventura3's Avatar
Location: Ventura County
Originally Posted by dc_dux an ideal world, I would say ban tobacco products and fuck the producers.

But we dont live in that world. It is unrealistic to ban cigarettes....too many people are dependent or addicted and it would only create a bootleg or underground market, producing products of dubious quality (think grain alcohol in the days of prohibition) and the loss of significant tax revenue. So, as long as we, as a society, are stuck with cigarettes, I dont have a problem with a dependency on the financial well-being of the current producers

I simply want to see regulations that hold cigarette makers more accountable for the quality of their product, (including the nicotine content), honesty in marketing (ie no more bullshit that "light" cigarettes are less harmful) and greater reporting of their internal (non-competitive trade secrets) medical studies that they withheld or lied about for years.

I'm done with this one.
I know the truth hurts. A willingness to face reality is a commendable trait, facing reality and then "turning tail" is not.

Your view of "compromise" is like a neighborhood church taking donations from the neighborhood drug dealer. Just like the church you think you can do good things with the money and you try to ignore where the money comes from. Then like the church you want to preach to others about morality, in your case you want to tell me
I will leave the willful and knowing investing in death and human (and environmental) degradation to you and others if that is the choice you want to make.
. And you say you don't "see" it.

If you were my friend I would sit down with you and say "Stop".

"Stop" the pretense, you are not kidding anyone. If you don't see the flaws in your position, you have to be the only one.

"Stop" being a victim of circumstance. Stand up for what you believe in. I heard that having balls is the new black. You do not have to compromise on issues or on those things that are important to you.

"Stop" thinking that "things" are your enemy. Phillip Morris is a "thing". Government can tax/regulate or whatever, Phillip Morris out of business. People make the choice to smoke or not smoke and as long as there is demand smoking products will be supplied. Energy is better spent on the demand issue.

"Stop" the denial. Everyone knows that the tobacco industry is good for government revenues. Government wants the industry to do well enough for the billions settled on and now needed to supplement budgets. And on top of that many like you want the tobacco industry to help fund health care for children. Everyone knows these costs are passed on to consumers. Everyone knows that the poor disproportionately spend more on smoking than other wealth classes.

"Stop" thinking you have all the answers. There are unintended consequence to most acts. No one person can foresee them all. Use a cycle of feedback so when confronted with future problems the same mistakes are not made over and over, i.e. FISA. Liberal are on a path with FISA that wont turnout the way you think. Use the point of view of others to add value to your views rather than immediately dismissing the views of others.

Since you are "done" you may never read this, but if you do try not to respond. Your response will be emotional. Facing reality is tough, best of luck.
"Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on lunch."
"It is useless for the sheep to pass resolutions on vegetarianism while the wolf is of a different opinion."
"If you live among wolves you have to act like one."
"A lady screams at the mouse but smiles at the wolf. A gentleman is a wolf who sends flowers."

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