Originally Posted by pig
The idea of the sequel is somewhat interesting...I wonder how the Tolkien family feels about that one...
The original stories I read indicated that they were planning to split the Hobbit into two movies, as opposed to having the Hobbit followed by a sequel based on random source material to connect the two stories. I don't know if that means that this article is wrong or if it means that they've changed their plans.
Honestly, the period they've described in the video sounds more like something that would be a cool featurette on a DVD that you get the people involved to do because they loved the movie and the process so much, as opposed to a full movie. Guess we'll have to see. That's a long ways off.
Edit: Since I missed Cynth's post: Golden Compass was really only a US box office disappointment. It fared very well in international markets.
Double Edit: I just found out that New Line sold off the international rights in order to fund the movie and didn't get much, if any, of the international take, which is why they're about to disappear.