I really could care less about this thread, this game, if you have me on ignore, or if you agree with me.
This is all bullshit, it's all too little, too late, and for fucks sake, I haven't played this game at level 70 since the middle of last year. I exited the TBC shitstain just prior to the end of season 1 because I knew it wasn't going to get any better. The only reason I even play is to sell accounts since I get paid to play at work. I'll let someone else suffer the endless hamster wheel grindfest that is TBC, the carrot isn't real, and the only real sense of accomplishment is PvE progression, PvP was an afterthought.
You SERIOUSLY think it's "cool" for the concept of a "competitive arena" to just hand out gear to people who dont make the grade when it comes to competition? Is it not the purpose of the "reward" for your skill and effort to get this gear?

What IS your grand vision for arenas? free gear?
I'm kind of a purist when it comes to gaming anyway, I don't use cheat codes, I don't expect free gear, My highest arena team only broke 1800 5v5's Shouldn't I bitch about entitlement in a competitive bracket now? Nope, My team didn't deserve it, we lost games that we could have won, why give us the "goodies" for underperforming? min-maxing is what this game is about, why don't you understand this?
the game was better before Arenas even existed to begin with. There is nothing preventing you from "having fun" There is no requirement for TOP TIER pvp epics in order to "have fun"
your comment about "big boys" and "this isn't the wow forums" are laughable, fucking hell, I don't post there

I'd say to go outside and stop mouth breathing all over this subject, and I'm going to follow my own advice, I'm done.