Originally Posted by dc_dux
Ustwo....are you suggesting that trial lawyers will benefit from this bill to regulate tobacco?
Perhaps you can elaborate.
I'm suggesting the
100's of millions given by the trial lawyers to the democrats is something to look at as compared to the 10's of millions you are tossing about in relation to tobacco money, which just so happens to be in red states to start with local to them.
Your party is owned by the lawyers and unions, we don't need to pretend about that do we?
As such any legislation which opens the doors for massive legal action sponsored by the democrats is tainted and suspect to me, such as with Bush pushing for telcom immunity. The senate passed it from what I gather but the house democrats won't. I don't think its because they feel people need to sue their telephone company, but to give back some of those 100's of millions to the people who really make money in these giant class action suits.