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Old 04-23-2008, 04:50 PM   #2401 (permalink)
Yo dawg, I herd u like...
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Originally Posted by Shauk

seriously, you don't even have to win a single game, it's retarded.

when bosses start dropping epics and set pieces after 10 wipes, you'll have a case.

PvE is earning your gear, is an accomplishment.

PvP is a joke, as you said, balance doesn't exist so *yank yank*
For someone that was talking about epeen stroking, you sure do alot of it for raiders.
PvE and PvP = not hard. They both pretty much boil down to time invested. People who are worse spend more time, better spend less. The one advantage PvE has over PvP is the balance aspect. All specs can do well in a PvE environment. You may not want alot of moonkin or ret paladins, but one of either can improve a raid. There is no wrong class/spec.

Hell, most guilds get the strats to bosses handed to them from other more successful guilds, so you're taking a test with all of the answers.

They even supply PvE's stepping stones to raiding gear. Heroics = easy epic gear and badges = more free epic gear. Hell they even put the pvp healing cloak on the badge vendors instead of the honor vendor.

I love when people whine that someone who constantly gets 1300s in the arena system waits like two months and gets a single piece of epic gear. That team will also not have enough points to complete a full set + weapons anyway.

Yawhateva, I like the idea of arenas. They provide a small scale pvp environment that shouldfocus on individual skill rather than a zerg mentality most BGs have. However they fail in practice because the people who decide what "balance" is are completely inept and selfish.

I hate having every post I make sound like I absolutely hate the game, but I just have this addiction to calling stupid shit when I see it. You'd think they would get some people on their dev team that can actually make good changes while keeping it fair and balanced. I reactivated two weeks ago and they're already making me regret giving them another 15 bucks.
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