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Old 04-23-2008, 01:30 PM   #2400 (permalink)
YaWhateva's Avatar
Location: New Mexico
Originally Posted by Apokx
As someone who raided and had a full set of season 2 gear in season 2, raiding is not "harder" than arena teams.
Paying attention and generally not being an idiot are the only two skills you need. The same applies to arenas, except add "have the most OP classes on your team".

Assuming you're a 1500 rated player getting around 300 points a week, that's a month just for the S3 gloves(not counting grinding up to 15k or more honor per piece of the s3 honor gear). I'm pretty sure most people could get multiple epics in that time from raiding/doing heroics alone. The biggest (and most important) difference between the two sets of gear is resilience.

The biggest problem with the arena system right now is the flavor of the month class combos. Rogues/Disc Priests etc being so strong in arenas because class balance doesen't exist.
In my opnion, when they wanted to start arenas they should have done it the way the Arena Tournaments are going to be, a completely seperate server that doesn't have anything to do with BG's or PVE.
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