Originally Posted by Apokx
The mentality of Blizzard developers is basically to seperate the "hardcore" from the "casual". Pretty much every person on WoW's dev team is a piece of shit, Tigole and Furor were when they played EQ, and still are. Kalgan balances classes based on what he's playing and what classes are on his arena team each season.
Pretty much all of them want a gap between the "top"(which means picking the flavor of the month classes to build a team)and the "bottom"(everyone else). The basic idea was to give the top a headstart in season 1, and slowly widen the gap with rating reqs until you get to season 4, which pretty much stops Casual John from getting anything.
This, and the fact that I believe Blizzard is trying to promote Pro-gaming inside their own games. They've seen with Starcraft how long a game can continue to run if you have a sufficiently big group of people playing it at a "professional level".
And they were kicking themselves over it for the past 10 years, because they couldn't charge $13 a month.
I'm starting to regret even subscribing to the Blizzard WW invitational in Paris this summer, the game holds 0 attraction anymore.
Tigole has pretty much been opposed to pvp epics for a while, and he used to call them "welfare epics" because in his fucked up little mind raiding is so hard.
Raiding, bah. Raiding is the most BORING part of the whole game. It comes down to making yourself part of a mechanism that keeps doing the same thing over and over and over and over. And after 3-5h of this "fun", you either *may* or *may not* even get anything for it. A huge waste of time.
At least 5-man instances were shorter, and you had quests that sometimes held worthwhile rewards.